May 31, 2021
I talk about big cats seized belonging to tiger king couple at a farm in Oklahoma . Then I talk about ticks and what things they can pass to us and some of the dangerous kind of ticks . Then finally a partnership with the White House and dating apps. Big Kitties seized 0:00-5:40 Tick info 5:40-18:05 Horny...
May 23, 2021
I talk about Ufo sightings and upcoming congressional report. Then I talk about a couple of graves on a active runway in Georgia . Then a group of monkeys in Florida who’s ancestors escaped a farm in the 1940’s. Then what I seen in the crazy mindless going ons in the world this past week. UFO sightings.0:00-8:19 ...
May 16, 2021
talk about a rare calico lobster saved by red lobster. Then I talk about people who adopted pets at the beginning of this pandemic now they are returning those pet. Then I talk about a 200 plus pound fish caught in the Detroit river. Then a hum picked up by the voyager space craft.Finally I talk about some pups rescued...
May 9, 2021
I talk about a rare expensive bottle of whiskey going up for auction, Then I talk about a Air Force fight crew using the call sign PIKLRIK. Then a poop wall built in Michigan . Then possible mushrooms growing on Mars. Monolog 0:00- 2:30 ...
May 3, 2021
I talk about the Mayor of Portland wanting to finally “unmask” rioters and anarchist. Then I talk about a Cincinnati bar refusing to show NBA games till LeBron James is expelled from the league. Then I talk about this being the year of the UFO. Then what I seen this week. Monolog 0:00- 3:37 Help the Mayor....